About a year ago, we were contacted by art author, Matthew Chojnacki, a man on a quest to create a book of alternative movie posters and he asked to feature two of our designs. The purpose of the book is to showcase how underground film posters often exceed the quality of commercial one-sheets today. Basically showing some badass artwork from some kickass known/unknown artists. Some were created as commissioned pieces and others as personal projects. But all were done for the love of art and film.
This week we received two copies of Alternative Movie Posters: Film Art from the Underground from Matthew.This book is beautiful! A wonderful collection of eye and brain nachos. It's inspiring to see how each artist offers a new way of looking at the movies we love. The book also includes artist biographies and a "Behind the Posters" that tells the story of how these posters came to be.
We are so honored to be a part of this. Here are some photos of two of our posters, The Road Warrior and The Lost Boys, our two pieces featured in the book. You can get a copy of the book here. Follow Matthew Chojnacki on twitter or visit him on his site or Facebook.